Call to schedule your appointment!
DUI Alcohol & Drug: 770-713-8580 or 470-902-5595
FVIP/Anger Management: 770-602-1979 or 470-902-5595

Our meetings are currently held on ZOOM.

Email paperwork to:

Conyers: By appointment only.

930 Green St. SW, Conyers, GA 30012 Less than a mile off of I-20 and

West Avenue (Exit # 80). Follow West Ave to Green Street and turn right.

The office is a very old, second-story house in front of the museum

locomotive named the Dinky. The office is one block from the library.

Please call beforehand to make sure someone is in the office.

Covington: By appointment only.

Avondale Estates: By appointment only.

Scottdale: By appointment only.

Snellville: By appointment only.

Tucker: By appointment only.